Luap Outback Journal Entry

Journal Entry: Luap Outback, Chief Security Officer

Date: 10.07.23

WIth what I witnessed today, I delve into the depths of my distrust and apprehension towards the Jedi and Force users. I find myself revisiting haunting memories of my time in advanced training at the Imperial Academy on Vardos. It was there that I witnessed the dark side of Force users, an experience that left an indelible mark on my soul.

During my training, I came face to face with the ruthless Inquisitors, enforcers of the Empire who wielded the dark side of the Force with impunity. Their presence instilled fear and unease among us, the cadets, as we witnessed their cold-hearted ruthlessness and the devastation they unleashed upon those they deemed threats to the Empire.

The Inquisitors, with their twisted manipulation of the Force, exemplified the dangers of unchecked power. Their actions were driven not by noble ideals or the pursuit of justice but by a hunger for control and dominance. Witnessing their malevolence firsthand left a bitter taste in my mouth, deepening my skepticism towards Force users in general.

However, it is not just the Inquisitors that have fueled my apprehension. The Jedi, with their mystical connection to the Force and their often aloof nature, have left me with lingering doubts and mistrust. Their perceived righteousness and the sense of superiority that emanates from their ranks raise concerns within me. I question the true nature of their power and their ability to resist the temptations that come with wielding such extraordinary abilities.

My experiences at the Imperial Academy on Vardos solidified my belief that the Force, regardless of its origin, is a power that demands caution and restraint. It is not to be wielded lightly or without consequence. The dark side that lurks within it serves as a stark warning, a reminder of the inherent dangers that come with its mastery.

My apprehension towards both the Inquisitors and the Jedi stems not only from a place of skepticism but also from a deep-seated wariness born from personal encounters with the darker aspects of the Force. I must remain vigilant, recognizing the potential for corruption and manipulation, even within those who claim to wield the light.

It is crucial to navigate these encounters with a discerning eye, evaluating individuals based on their actions and their true intentions. While there are undoubtedly those who strive to use the Force for good, I cannot ignore the knowledge that darkness can seep into even the noblest of hearts.

As I confront my past experiences with the Inquisitors and acknowledge the deep impact they had on my perception of the Force. These memories, coupled with my inherent distrust of the Jedi, serve as constant reminders of the need for vigilance and the potential dangers that lie within the Force and those who wield it.

No one should have such powers.

Luap Outback…the only one that seems concerned.

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