Decrypted Transmission #9012T – Authorized Personnel Only

Intercepted Transmission: Star Destroyer Finalizer

Decrypted Transmission #9012T – Authorized Personnel Only

Voice Identified: General Armitage Hux, Commanding Officer, Star Destroyer Finalizer

Transcript Begin:

“This is General Hux. I’m transmitting this report on behalf of Supreme Leader Kylo Ren who has personally conducted an investigation on the Chandrilan moon, a mission prompted by a sensed disturbance in the Force. It appears our enemies continue to slither from the darkest corners of the galaxy.

“The Supreme Leader has discovered traces of not one, but two Force users. One, identified as a Jedi Archivist, has all but advertised their presence with their blatant use of the Force. The other, a more elusive, unidentified figure, presents an intriguing puzzle. Their energy signature suggests the profile of a rogue element, a Force user of unorthodox origins. Perhaps even a surviving Jedi.

“The Supreme Leader’s analysis of the residual energies revealed evidence of a rare Force healing technique. Only a Jedi of considerable skill and knowledge would be able to perform such an act. They have managed to evade immediate capture but have left an indelible trail.

“Attempts have been made to thwart the investigation by compromising the facility’s data records. The implication of the medical staff in concealing these fugitives is evident. Supreme Leader Kylo Ren has delivered swift and severe retribution.

“The medical facility has been neutralized, every component destroyed – the droids, the data, any remaining trace of the fugitives. Dr. Salen, the primary officer in charge of this operation, has met a severe and definitive end by the hands of the Supreme Leader himself. The finality of his fate sends a stark and clear message to those considering abetting our adversaries.

“We have stationed a regiment of stormtroopers on the Chandrilan moon, assigned to investigate any lingering evidence. As for the Supreme Leader, he is resolute in his pursuit. These newly surfaced Force users represent a substantial threat to the First Order. But their time is running out. They will be discovered. They will be eradicated.

“This is General Hux, concluding report.”

End of Transcript

Transmission Encrypted: All further usage of this communication needs authorized decryption.

Message Ends.

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