Urgent Message for Captain Kir and First Mate Navi

Subject: URGENT! Loss and Consequences!

Captain Kir and First Mate Navi,

Listen up, because I’m writing this message with a seething rage that’s barely contained within me. Our damn agreement to help you and your Force-wielding cause has resulted in an unbearable loss – the death of an old colleague, a true friend, Dr. Salen. And let me tell you, the consequences of our involvement extend far beyond that, threatening to tear apart the network I’ve spent a damn lifetime building, along with the genuine friendships that came with it.

The tragic demise of my friend should serve as a harsh slap in the face, reminding us of the bloody risks we take when we decide to associate ourselves with Force users. I get it, I understand the weight of your damn mission and how important you believe it to be, but don’t you dare overlook the toll it’s taken on my people.

This network of off-grid providers, painstakingly forged over countless years of hard work, now hangs by a thread. The trust I’ve built, the genuine bonds I’ve formed, they’re all at risk of crumbling under the weight of this loss. The repercussions of this tragedy threaten to tear apart the very fabric of our operations. Word is getting around, and many of my contacts have already voiced their concerns with a good majority refusing to work with me until they have assurances that they won’t suffer the same fate.

It’s time we face the harsh reality and deal with the fallout like adults. We need to reevaluate the damn alliances we’ve made and carefully consider the true cost of our involvement. Yes, I know your cause is urgent, but open your damn eyes and see the toll it’s taken on our resources and the lives of those who stood by our side.

This loss should be a wake-up call that shakes us to our core. It’s time to reassess our priorities, weigh the damn costs against the elusive gains, and make sure that the sacrifices we’ve made weren’t all in vain.

I damn well expect that we convene immediately to discuss this disaster face-to-face. We need to confront the goddamn repercussions head-on. Together, we’ll figure out the best course of action to salvage what’s left of my precious network and ensure justice for my fallen friend.

In these godforsaken times, we must rely on each other for support and draw strength from our collective unity. Let’s weather this shitstorm with clear minds, calculated steps, and a shared commitment to honor the sacrifices made.

I expect a swift response, and I demand that you prioritize this matter with the utmost urgency it deserves.

Luap Outback, Chief Security Officer

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