Journal Entry: 15.07.23 – Navi Topaz

Journal Entry: 15.07.23 – Navi Topaz

We disembarked the Halcyon as Chandrila, the sun-kissed planet, beckoned us with its lush, rolling hills and glimmering lakes. It felt like we’d awakened from a long dream, a whirl of deceptions, confrontations, victories, and farewells.

Rix was the first to walk down the ramp. The ever-scheming rogue was unable to resist a final act of mischief. “Who could resist these plush blankets? They’re like a hug from a Wookiee!” he said with a sheepish grin as he was caught red-handed, a pile of Halcyon blankets stashed in his bag.

Captain Keevan found the incident amusing, chuckling as she watched Rix sheepishly put the blankets back. “Maybe next time, Rix,” she quipped. The Captain then turned her attention to Tav, holding a small metallic object in his hand.

“Your help has been invaluable, Tav,” she stated earnestly, presenting Tav with an ancient commemorative coin. Tav accepted the coin with a nod, a small smile playing on his lips.

As the crew celebrated the end of our journey, Luap pulled me aside, his face a mask of concern. “Have you noticed Lt. Croy and Tav?” he whispered. “They’ve been speaking a lot. Alone. I’ve seen them.”

Luap’s observations did not escape me. Tav’s unexpected camaraderie with Lt. Croy had raised my suspicions too. Could Tav be a Moff in disguise? The thought made me uneasy.

While Luap and I contemplated this possibility, Nyar, always the dutiful informant, was seen updating the Eclipse about his status. “The Resistance is stronger than ever,” he spoke into his holo communicator, a spark of determination in his eyes.

Returning to Chandrila felt like a homecoming. As the crew prepared to depart for the SMC Mayhem, Rix made an unexpected announcement.

“I think I’ll be staying behind,” he declared, his voice laced with emotion. “Chandrila feels like a good place for a fresh start.”

The news was met with a moment of silence, followed by a flood of well wishes, bear hugs, and heartfelt farewells. I clapped Rix on the shoulder, smiling through the sudden lump in my throat. “Chandrila is gaining a good one. Safe travels, my friend,” I said.

And so, as we bid our friend farewell, we turned our eyes back to the stars. A new chapter awaited us, a new set of adventures, and, perhaps, a new round of chess.

The game of secrets, deceptions, and loyalties continues.

Navi Topaz

First Mate of the SMC Mayhem

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