Journal Entry: 16.07.23 – Navi Topaz

Journal Entry: 29.07.23 – Navi Topaz

Having said our heartfelt goodbyes to Rix back on Chandrila, our tight-knit crew found ourselves once more aboard the Chaos. As Luap set our course for the SMC Mayhem patiently orbiting Chandrila, I felt a familiar comfort wash over me. We were going home.

Our initial exchanges with the Mayhem were smooth. “Chaos to Mayhem, requesting permission to dock,” Luap said, his voice calm and steady as he opened communications with the Mayhem.

The familiar voice of Captain Kir crackled through the comms. “Mayhem to Chaos, provide the sign.”

“Deneb,” Luap responded, the code word changing every day for security purposes.

“Altair,” Captain Kir shot back with the countersign. “Permission granted, Chaos. Begin your approach.”

Just as the comforting silhouette of the Mayhem began to fill our viewports, an ominous formation of TIE fighters sliced across our path. A chill ran down my spine; I could feel the crew tense up.

“This is Chandrila Imperial patrol. Unidentified vessel, transmit your Transponder ID,” a stern, unfamiliar voice demanded over the comms.

I met Werdna’s eyes across the cockpit, silently imploring him to act. True to his reputation as a skilled forger, Werdna was already pulling out his kit.

“Buy us some time, Luap,” I instructed.

“Sorry, could you repeat that, please? ” Luap responded into the comms.

“This is an imperial patrol. Please standby for Transponder scan.”

With an impressive show of nonchalance, Luap toggled the comms back on. “Roger that. Uh, we seem to be having a bit of technical trouble with our systems. You know how these Sinear haulcrafts can get. Hang on a sec, there buddy . . . ”

“Tam?” I queried. Tam knew where I was going. “Counter measures charging . . .” Tam calmly responded.

The seconds ticked by, each one heavy with tension. In the corner of my eye, I watched as Werdna painstakingly worked his forgery tools, forging an active Transponder ID for the Chaos. Luap, meanwhile, played his role to perfection, engaging the increasingly irritable TIE fighter pilot with his inept technician act.

“Apologies for the wait,” Luap drawled. “You know how these old vessels are. Always something on the fritz. Someone on my crew tried bypassing the compressor a littler earlier today. Crazy, right? We’re still trying to fix the old girl up, she’ll be back to her old self in no time . . . ”

The stern voice over the comms grew more menacing. “This is your last warning. Transmit your Transponder ID now!”

In the stifling silence that followed, all eyes turned to Werdna. He worked with a laser-focused intensity, his brow furrowed in concentration. Just when it seemed like we had pushed our luck to its absolute limit, he held up a newly created counterfeit ID datapad.

“Got it!” he announced, triumph flashing in his eyes as he handed it over to Luap.

Without missing a beat, Luap transmitted the counterfeit ID to the waiting TIE fighters. The cockpit fell into a tense hush, every breath held, every nerve on edge.

Finally, the voice on the comms crackled back to life. “ID confirmed. Concord Dawn Trade Alliance. You’re cleared to proceed.”

The collective sigh of relief that echoed through the cockpit was nearly deafening. As the TIE fighters broke formation and receded into the star-speckled backdrop, Luap expertly maneuvered the Chaos towards the welcoming bulk of the Mayhem.

Stepping back onto the Mayhem, welcomed by the familiar faces of Captain Kir and Quebec, felt like coming home. The next hours were filled with hearty laughter and animated storytelling as I recounted our adventures on the Halcyon to Captain Kir. Around us, the crew busied themselves with unloading luggage and supplies, their easy banter a comforting soundtrack to my tales.

Even as our routine onboard the Mayhem resumed, my mind lingered on the daring acts and near-misses of the past few days. We had gambled, deceived, and won. And now, we were back, ready for whatever the universe would throw at us next.

The game continues.

Navi Topaz,

First Mate of the SMC Mayhem

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